5 Tips for Good Image Optimization
June 30, 2018
SEO Services, Tips and Tricks

Image optimization plays an important role when you are running an online store. It helps to fascinate shoppers and decrease the loading time of any website. We can say that image optimization is an essential part of developing a successful eCommerce website.
What is the definition of Image Optimization?
Image optimization is the process in which we decrease the file size of your images as much as possible to reduce the load time of your website.
Generally, these questions come in our mind.
- What is the cause behind this why my product photos not ever display when I search my products on Google search engine?
- Is there need to add alt attributes to my images?
- What is the difference between JPEG, GIF and PNG? When should I use one over another?
In this blog, you will get answers of these questions.
Here are 5 tips that will help you to optimize images for the web.
1. Name your images descriptively and in plain language
It is never difficult to click thousands of product shots and name them as default file name given. But when the point of SEO comes, it becomes essential to use related keywords in the name of the images to increase your page rank on search engines. A keyword-rich file name vital for image optimization because search engine not only scroll the text of your webpage but also scroll your image file names.
For example:
Ford EcoSport Car
We can use the default camera assign name to the image (DCMIMAGE12.jpg). But for SEO purpose, it would be better to name the file 2018-Ford-EcoSport-S-White.jpg.
You need to think about how your customers search products on your website. What are the possibilities of search terms? They can search like this:
2018 White Ford EcoSport S
Ford EcoSport S White 2018
White Ford EcoSport S 2018
You need to understand what keyword forms your customers use for search and apply that forms to your image file naming process.
2. Optimize your alt attributes carefully
Alt attributes are used for web accessibility and are alternative to images when a browser can not properly extract them.
A proper use of alt attributes that includes relevant keywords of your website can help you to increase page rank in the search engines.
Things to consider while using alt attributes:
- If your products have model number then use them in your alt attributes
- Use only specific keywords in your alt attributes
- Define your images in plain language.
3. Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely
You would not like to show only one shot of your product specially when you want to quick sell that product. Your product shots can be:
- The interior
- The rims
- The engine
- The rear, especially that air spoiler
Add some description to your alt attributes of each product shot angle as it will help you to catch potential searchers.
4. Reduce the file size of your images
Study shows:
- Almost 70% of consumers don’t wait more than 3 seconds for any site load.
- In the words of Amazon, if their site pages load slowly then they can lose billions of customers in a year.
- Google also uses page load time in their algorithm of ranking factor
So, you can lose your potential customers if your images take more than 15 seconds to load.
5. Choose the right file type
Generally, we use three common file types to post images on the web that is JPEG, GIF and PNG.
- JPEGs would be your right choice to provide the best quality.
- We don’t recommend to use GIFs for large size product images. Use GIFs for small size images.
- PNGs images can be a good alternative of GIFs and JPEGs images.
Get in touch with us to know more image optimization tips for your websites. We have dedicated SEO and photo editing team who can help you to optimize your product or service photos perfectly and enhance your website loading speed as well as customer satisfaction.
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